NRP InvestorPortal is an online information site made available by Ness, Risan & Partners AS, whose address is Pb 1358 Vika, 0113 Oslo, Norway, and whose organization number is 987 615 664, and the affiliates of Ness, Risan & Partners AS (jointly “NRP”).
Projects organized by NRP Finans includes all entities where financial instruments and partnership
shares in general partnership companies, limited partnerships and internal partnerships as well as
other projects organized by NRP Finans, are traded, subscribed to and allocated.
The client shall be familiar with that:
- Trading in projects organized by NRP Finans will be executed at the sole risk of the client.
- The client must on its own carefully examine the general commercial terms of the enterprise and any other relevant information regarding the particular financial instrument or share in projects organized by NRP Finans.
- The client is responsible to review the contract note/ purchase contract promptly and
immediately make a complaint in case of any flaws.
- The client must continuously monitor value changes in projects organized by NRP Finans.
- The client must react on its own by selling its positions if necessary to reduce the risk of loss.